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Covid-19 Health Declaration

I have read the above information. If I have any concerns, I will address these with my technician immediately. I hold Charmaine Uhuad/Boom Beauty Co. harmless from any liability for the unintentional exposure to bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that may cause illness or disease.

I have accurately and honestly completed this form as well as the Client Intake form. I understand my technician will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate the spread of microorganisms within the studio.

If I have additional questions or concerns throughout the appointment, I will consult my technician immediately.


I agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosure. I certify that I have read, and full understand, the above paragraphs and that I had sufficient opportunity for discussion and all my question area answered. 

I accept the risks that may be associated with public interaction.

Thanks for submitting!

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